10 Best Ways to Increase Website Traffic Grow Your Blog Fast Best Way

Guess post

Whose topic is related to your topic. Make a good contact for their site and give a link to your site at one place.


With the help of medium.com, you can bring a lot of traffic to your blog. You can drive a lot of traffic to your blog through backlinks from Medium.


In forums, people of the same type of community answer questions from each other. if you have put a link to your blog there, then they reach your blog with the help of the link.

Keyword research

 If you have done a good keyword search then 50% of your work is done. This means that you have done 50% of the work you are doing.

Blog speed

The speed on your blog website should be less than 3 seconds. If there is more than that, then neither will your post Rank in Google quickly.


Social media pages related to your blog will have to be created on all the popular social media, because this will reach your contact to more and more people.

High quality content

Create high quality content to drive traffic to your blog. For this, you need to have an attractive title, internal linking, explain the contact in short paragraphs 

Content related video

You can make videos related to the category, niche you are working in and upload on YouTube. then you can give a link to your site in its description.

Post update

You have to publish the blog of your site regularly, whether it is leaving 1 day or leaving 2 days. Keep updating your old posts with new information from time to time.

Domino authority

If your site has high DA then you can rank in search engines and get more traffic. To increase DA, you have to publish quality contacts, on page seo, internal linking and backlinks.