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Abby Wambach plans to exit drug firm linked to Brett Favre's welfare fraud case.

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American legendary soccer player Abby Wambach told ESPN that she plans to completely get rid of the company selling drugs 

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for concussions that are funded by Brett Favre. The company is the subject of a Mississippi welfare fraud investigation.

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Wambach is one of the World Cup winners and two-time gold medalist included in the National Soccer Hall of Fame and was on the sports advisory committee for Odyssey Health,

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 A drug company that has announced that it is in the process of developing a nasal spray to treat concussions. 

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According to a suit filed in the State of Mississippi, $2.1 million that was supposed to be distributed for welfare benefits was given toward Odyssey Health.

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Odyssey Health, before named Prevacus was implicated in the fraud case after the first arrests were made in February 2020

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with a lot of details being covered by the nonprofit news agency Mississippi Today.

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In an email sent to ESPN, this Thursday Wambach stated that it was not until she was approached early in the morning that she became informed

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