Dwayne Johnson cheers Mummy costar Brendan

Brendan Fraser On Sunday, the news the actor Darren Fraser had taken the actor's role thrilled fans across around the world.

He was greeted with applause during his appearance in the film of Aronofsky's The Whale at the Venice Film Festival.

Who were those cheering supporters? Dwayne Johnson who was the actor for Fraser in 2001.

Film debut for her in the movie The Mummy Returns.

This beautiful standing ovation for Brendan is making me happy.

In the midst of applauding Venetian crowds, Johnson wrote on Sunday.

Retweeting Fraser video. He was supportive of my first performance as part of the Mummy Returns series.

That's how it started. A career in Hollywood.

I'm very happy for Darren Aronofsky. I we wish him every success throughout his journey around the world.

In the 2001 sequel to The Mummy from 1999.