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Former CIA Engineer Receives 40-Year Prison Sentence for Leaking Classified Information to WikiLeaks and Possessing Child Sexual Abuse Material.

A former CIA software engineer has been handed a 40-year prison sentence after being convicted of what the government described as the most significant theft of classified information in CIA history, as well as the possession of child sexual abuse images and videos. Joshua Schulte, 35, received the sentence in Manhattan federal court, with the majority of the term attributed to the public release of a substantial amount of CIA secrets by WikiLeaks in 2017. The so-called Vault 7 leak exposed the CIA’s hacking of Apple and Android smartphones for overseas spying operations, as well as efforts to convert internet-connected televisions into listening devices.

Prosecution’s Position and Schulte’s Response
Assistant U.S. Attorney David William Denton Jr. characterized Schulte’s actions as responsible for “the most damaging disclosures of classified information in American history,” while Schulte complained about the harsh conditions at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, referring to his cell as “My torture cage.” He also claimed that prosecutors had previously offered him a plea deal for a 10-year prison sentence, which he rejected due to the requirement to relinquish his right to appeal, and criticized the government for seeking a life term, stating, “This is not justice the government seeks, but vengeance.”

Judge’s Remarks and Sentencing
Judge Jesse M. Furman, who presided over the case, expressed his belief that the full extent of the damage caused by Schulte’s actions may never be known but emphasized that it was undoubtedly substantial. He criticized Schulte for his lack of remorse and acceptance of responsibility, stating that the former CIA engineer was not driven by altruism but rather by anger, spite, and perceived grievance against others at the agency. Furman also highlighted Schulte’s continued criminal activities from behind bars, including attempts to leak more classified materials and the possession of child sexual abuse images and videos.

Impact and Consequences
The judge underscored the severe repercussions of Schulte’s actions, as described in a letter from CIA Deputy Director David S. Cohen, which detailed the exceptionally grave harm caused to U.S. national security and the CIA. The judge noted that Schulte’s actions had cost the Agency hundreds of millions of dollars, degraded its ability to collect foreign intelligence, and directly endangered CIA personnel, programs, and assets, ultimately jeopardizing U.S. national security.

In conclusion, the sentencing of Joshua Schulte reflects the gravity of his offenses, encompassing the betrayal of national security and the possession of illicit material. The case has drawn attention to the serious implications of unauthorized disclosures of classified information and the severe legal consequences for those found responsible.

Amit Kumar
Amit Kumarhttps://trendworldnews.com/
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