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Earn money from Facebook now
You will often face the displeasure of your family when you spend time on Facebook. But now you can earn from Facebook and as soon as your family finds out how to earn money from your Facebook, they won’t be able to keep sitting on your Facebook. On earning money from Facebook, you may be afraid why the free service web site will give you money? But it’s not, now, after Google, Facebook has also provided money-making facilities to its users.
So far, there were opportunities to earn by promoting your business on Facebook, selling your products, but now you can earn from your Facebook page as well. Yes! If you have millions of followers on your page, you can share a link to your web site on your Facebook page and give you money instead of attracting readers.
You still don’t have to worry if you don’t find a person who has promoted your web site. You can earn through Google Adsense by sending traffic through your page to your own web site. You still don’t have to worry if you don’t have a Google Adsense account. For this we are going to give you information about a feature available by Facebook through which you can monetize on the Facebook page-
Facebook has provided instant articles for authors on its web sites and blogs. Facebook shows its ads in these instant articles you submit, and Facebook funds you in exchange for the impressions and clicks on the same ads. You need a number of Facebook pages and a blog. Whatever you write on your blog will automatically be published on your page and whenever mobile holders read your writing, they will be able to read directly on Facebook without your web site and the more you read, the more money You will give you.
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